Thursday, January 31, 2013

Trouble with a capital "T"!

The bigger this boy gets, the busier he gets. He is so much fun but, oh man, he keeps us busy! Thanks to Jared, the kitchen cabinets are safe.

He can now climb the stairs by himself, despite how it looks in the picture! He had decided to try and turn around this time. Don't worry though, Jared is right below him on the stairs (you can see his shadow and his foot if you look close)!
He helps unload the dishwasher (clean or dirty dishes!)

He destroys the bathroom every morning while I'm trying to get ready.

He's constantly climbing on the fireplace which I was sure was going to land us in the doctor's office getting stitches. I looked into buying a gate that would go around it and they run about $100. So I turned to my handyman hubby instead and here's what we came up with...

Yes, Charlie was climbing in it while we were installing it!
It's not beautiful, but it also wasn't $100 and it works! (More like $20) He's not even interested in it now that it's not dangerous.
This is the same shoe fiasco you may have seen on Facebook the other day.  Jared thought pulling every last shoe off my shelf was a great way for Charlie to entertain himself!
That's okay though, because Charlie got him back for me by putting Jared in a choke hold!  These boys usually wrestle every night!  It's super cute how much Daddy loves this little boy!
I usually try to vacuum while Charlie is napping (or get anything else done whatsoever), but lately Charlie's been revolting and not taking a nap, so here he is being such a great help.  He followed me around the whole time I vacuumed.
This one is just for fun.  You can't really tell, but he has his binky chain wrapped around his leg and he's trying to get the binky in his mouth.  He kept getting it in but then he'd sit up and it would get pulled out of his mouth.  He was getting so frustrated.  It was cute though, so I had to snap a picture before I helped him out.
Oh boy!

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